

 "THE 525 CRACKERVAC":Gromits daily chores include sweeping up, unfortunately Wallace wants to help. The 525 Crackervac will save Gromits time .

"THE TURBO DINER": Another chore Gromit dislikes is clearing the table after meals. Wallaces Turbo Diner is designed to do the job fast and efficiently; all they have to do is top up the electricity meter.

"THE BULY  PROOF VEST":Wallace is  scared when the lights go out one dark and stormy night. A cup of tea and a cracker should calm his nerves but who is  in the shadows? It may be time to utilize the ultimate burglar deterrent, Wallaces fearsome Bully Proof Vest. 

 "THE  SNOOZATRON": Getting to sleep can be a problem when you eat as much cheese as Wallace. His solution is the Snoozatron, a simple device to aid the restless insomniac.

"SHOPPER 13": It's just a short nip to the shops but it can become a daily chore when you have all that cheese to carry home. Wallace has decided to save his legs by initiating a program of guided shopping trolleys to the supermarket. Mission 13 is the big one; he's going for the largest ball of Edam on the shelf. 

 "THE AUTOCHEF":Breakfast is Wallace and Gromits favourite meal and they  have an Autochef, the combined cooker and waiter on wheels. Wallace is anxious to prove that his  invention is perfectly safe around the home.

"THE SNOWMANATRON": Theres is  snowman competion and  Wallace wants to  win it , so he invented  a machine  to make  a snowman.

 "THE CHRISTMAS  CARDOMATIC":Wallace decided to make some  Christmas cards with the help of Gromit, lots of glitter and his brand new card-making machine

This  episode is  called "THE TELLYSCOPE"

Well children,  I know you like  a lot Wallace  and Gromit, so  in this page you'll  have   funny videos  of  these  two lovely characters. Th first one is  called "THE SOCCOMATIC"

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